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Sunday, January 22, 2023

junior science refresher magazine subscription

junior science refresher magazine subscription

Junior Science Refresher Published this article pae no 6 Local Bureaucracy strength is low and have lack of skill in maintaining data in the Audit format. Ways to ensure Accountability  Accounting standards CAG can prescribe accounting standards and accounts formats for local government accounts to ensure a degree of uniformity.  Dedicated agency As suggested by 11th Finance Commission the Director Local Fund Audit or any other agency made responsible for the audit of the accounts of local bodies should work under the technical guidance and supervision (TGS) of the C&AG Laying down auditing standards  Submission of Audit Report Report of the CAG relating to audit of accounts of Panchayats and Municipalities should be placed before a Committee of State Legislature constituted on the same lines as a Public Accounts Committee.  Skill upgrading There is an urgent necessity for substantial technical skill upgrading among local fund auditors.  Social Audit Developing social audit is very essential to improve the PRI mechanism increase accountability and transparency as involve the people in Audit junior science refresher magazine subscription

junior science refresher magazine subscription

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