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Friday, July 15, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  19 Nature of the office of Speaker With no security in the continuity of office the Speaker is dependent on his or her political party for reelection. This makes the Speaker susceptible to pulls and pressures from herhis political party in the conduct of the proceedings of the Lok Sabha rather than their own conscience.  Intrinsic paradox of the office Disqualification petitions entrusted to a Speaker as a quasijudicial authority is not a rational and logical act when such Speaker continues to belong to a particular political party either de jure or de facto.  To curb the delay in the speakers decision on disqualification under antidefection law Due to the inordinate delay in deciding the disqualification matter pending before the Speaker often instances have been observed where legislators who have defected from their parties continue to be members of the House. Way Ahead  Administrative Reforms Commissions Report titled Ethics in Governance and various other expert committees have recommended that the issue of disqualification of members on grounds of defection should be decided by the PresidentGovernor on the advice of the Election Commission.  As said by the Supreme Court unless there were exceptional circumstances disqualification petitions under the Tenth Schedule should be decided by Speakers within three months.  The issue of securing the neutrality of the Speaker should be resolved through following other modelsexamples of parliamentary democracy. For instance in Britain by convention political parties do not field a candidate against the Speaker at the time of general elections. And the Speaker can continue in office until deciding otherwise. By convention the Speaker also gives up the membership of hisher political party. o In 1951 and 1953 the Conference of Presiding Officers of legislatures in India passed a resolution for the adoption of the British Convention Shine india monthly magazine buy.

Shine india monthly magazine

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