competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Banking services chronicle magazine

Banking services chronicle magazine

Banking services chronicle magazine Published this article page no 34 even using the rdacc model the goal of mapping the entire world ocean is a significant challenge and can only be accomplished if new field mapping projects are initiated.crowdsourcing bathymetric data from fishing vessels and recreational small boats etc. represents one approach for gathering information in shallower water regions but is less efficient in deeper waters due to depth limitations of standard echo sounders.deep water mapping remains a major challenge due to the cost involved and the limited number of available research vessels that are equipped with modern deep water multibeam sonars Banking services chronicle magazine buy

Banking services chronicle magazine

Friday, August 5, 2022

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

Get latest issue shine india monthly magazine however this led to the problem of not being able to compare recent data with the years preceding 201112. the back series data released provides the earlier years data using the new calculations. highlights of the new datathe new data shows that contrary to the earlier perception the indian economy never graduated to a high growth phase of more than 9% in the last decade or was also pointed out that the newer data especially for the mining and manufacturing sectors shows that india did not recover from the global financial crisis as quickly as initially thought. why there is a difference in old and new data shine india monthly magazine telugu buy.

shine india monthly magazine

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

bsc banking services chronicle

 bsc banking services chronicle

Get latest issue bsc banking services chronicle reforms w.r.t subsidy regime o move toward direct subsidy typically electricity subsidy is transferred to the state discoms that incorporate these into the tariffs. the bill says that now subsidy can be provided only through direct benefit transfer to the beneficiary. o elimination of cross subsidy the draft amendments provide that the cross subsidisation of tariff within a distribution area will not exceed 20%. further such crosssubsidies will be progressively reduced and eliminated within three years.renewable energy o renewable energy definition currently the act does not define renewable sources of energy. the draft bill defines renewable energy sources to include hydro (limit notified by the central government) wind solar biomass biofuel waste including municipal and solid waste geothermal tidal cogeneration from these sources and other sources as notified by the central government. o renewable purchase and generation obligation (rpo rgo) the amendments define rpo and rgo which will be notified by the central grid and metering the draft amendments define smart grid and suggest that smart meters should be installed at each stage for proper measurement of consumption bsc banking services chronicle magazine free download.

bsc banking services chronicle

grihalakshmi magazine hindi

grihalakshmi magazine hindi

Get latest issue grihalakshmi magazine hindi indian scenario o till now bt cotton a nonfood crop has been the only gm crop cultivated in india. o attempts to commercially release bt brinjal were stalled by a moratorium in 2010 by the environment ministry. o with respect to dmh 11 atransgenic mustard developed at delhi university geac has demanded more tests before its commercial cultivation. related news uae and saudi arabia had decided to use india as a base to address their food security concerns. in accordance with the agriculture export policy the farmtoport project will be similar to a special economic zone but in the style of a corporatised farm where crops would be grown keeping a specific market in mind. 27 gm crops complementing green revolution green revolution complementing via gm crops increased yield green revolution helped to increase productivity of various crops over the years grihalaxmi magazine hindi online.

grihalakshmi magazine hindi

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Partiyogita Darpan English

Partiyogita Darpan English

Partiyogita Darpan English  published this article page no 1 train at least five village women for the supervision of implementation and later for a regular supply of water. nominate and train women as jal doots bhu jaankar if there is a cadre of water paralegal workers .make it mandatory to obtain a certificate about satisfactory completion of the schemes from women healed women groups in the habitations in addition to the certification of panchayats which may be maledominated. 9. develop entrepreneurs and shgled enterprises for water supply services like defluoridation treatment plants watertesting kits etc. it is critical to involve women in decisionmaking processes at all the stages of planning implementation management operation and maintenance of rural drinking water supply schemes. women across the country need to be engaged consciously for longterm water security in villages Partiyogita Darpan English buy. 

Partiyogita Darpan English

Monday, July 25, 2022

Competition Refresher Magazine

Competition Refresher Magazine 

Competition Refresher Magazine Published this article page no 48 corrected judgments f the glaknath case sc held that article 368 cntained bth the pwer and the prcedure fr amending the cnstitutin and that amending pwers and legislative pwers f parliament were different. varius elements f basic structure sme principles that are presently part f the basic structure are stated belw svereignty f india  essential features f the individual freedms secured t the citizens  mandate t build a welfare state  supremacy f the cnstitutin  republican and demcratic frm f gvernment  secular and federal character f the cnstitutin  separatin f pwers between the legislature executive and the judiciary  unity and integrity f the natin  pwer f judicial review  harmny and balance between frs and dpsps etc.  parliamentary system  rule f law  principle f equality  free and fair electins  independence f judiciary  limited pwer f parliament t amend the cnstitutin  effective access t justice  principles (r essence) underlying fundamental rights  pwers f the supreme curt under articles 32 136 141 and 142  pwers f the high curts under articles 226 and 227 7 ther judgments sc upheld the 25th and 29th amendments except fr the parts that curtailed its pwer f judicial review and als asserted that the preamble is a part f the cnstitutin and hence amendable Competition Refresher Magazine buy.

Competition Refresher Magazine 

Saturday, July 16, 2022

General Knowledge Refresher

General Knowledge Refresher 

General Knowledge Refresher Published this article page no 11  Infrastructure o Technological upgradations such as biometric identification facilities prisoner information system provision of CCTVs video conferencing facilities etc. are needed. Case Study Reforming prisons in Telangana  It aimed to take the system from security based to a more humancentric one.  There was recasting of prison life and redefining the treatment of citizens in conflict with the law. o A sufficient number of ambulances are made available 24×7 to tackle emergencies. o The prison staff is made accountable for every death – individually and collectively.  Unhygienic toilets have been transformed into clean private places by paying prisoners to clean them.  Collaboration with behavioural psychologists for collective behaviour therapy has helped change prisoner attitudes to life crime and each other.  With visible results staff morale is high as is the motivation to learn new management techniques to engage with prisoners more closely and less harshly. Swadhar Greh  This is a scheme for rehabilitation of women victims of difficult circumstances.  Among other beneficiaries the scheme also includes women prisoners released from jail and are without family social and economic support. Prison Manual (2016) It aims at bringing in basic uniformity in laws rules and regulations governing the administration of prisons and the management of prisoners all over the country. Key revisions in the manual include General Knowledge Refresher buy.

General Knowledge Refresher 

Friday, July 15, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  20 Conclusion Though discussion is already underway among presiding officers of legislatures on how to secure the Speakers dignity particularly in matters related to the defection of lawmakers there is an urgent need to take appropriate measures like the one suggested by the apex court to uphold democratic traditions and rule of law. A watchful Parliament forms the foundation of a wellfunctioning democracy and the presiding officers therefore are the key to securing the effectiveness of this institution. Related Information Interpretation of various aspects of the Antidefection law by the Supreme Courts Interpretation of the phrase Voluntarily gives up his membership The phrase has a wider connotation than resignation. The Supreme Court has interpreted that in the absence of a formal resignation by the member the giving up of membership can be inferred by his conduct. Members who have publicly expressed opposition to their party or support for another party should deemed to have resigned. Decision of the Presiding Officer is subject to judicial review The law initially stated that the decision of the Presiding Officer is not subject to judicial review. This condition was struck down by the Supreme Court in 1992 thereby allowing appeals against the Presiding Officers decision in the High Court and Supreme Court. However it held that there may not be any judicial intervention until the Presiding Officer gives his order Shine india monthly magazine buy.

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  19 Nature of the office of Speaker With no security in the continuity of office the Speaker is dependent on his or her political party for reelection. This makes the Speaker susceptible to pulls and pressures from herhis political party in the conduct of the proceedings of the Lok Sabha rather than their own conscience.  Intrinsic paradox of the office Disqualification petitions entrusted to a Speaker as a quasijudicial authority is not a rational and logical act when such Speaker continues to belong to a particular political party either de jure or de facto.  To curb the delay in the speakers decision on disqualification under antidefection law Due to the inordinate delay in deciding the disqualification matter pending before the Speaker often instances have been observed where legislators who have defected from their parties continue to be members of the House. Way Ahead  Administrative Reforms Commissions Report titled Ethics in Governance and various other expert committees have recommended that the issue of disqualification of members on grounds of defection should be decided by the PresidentGovernor on the advice of the Election Commission.  As said by the Supreme Court unless there were exceptional circumstances disqualification petitions under the Tenth Schedule should be decided by Speakers within three months.  The issue of securing the neutrality of the Speaker should be resolved through following other modelsexamples of parliamentary democracy. For instance in Britain by convention political parties do not field a candidate against the Speaker at the time of general elections. And the Speaker can continue in office until deciding otherwise. By convention the Speaker also gives up the membership of hisher political party. o In 1951 and 1953 the Conference of Presiding Officers of legislatures in India passed a resolution for the adoption of the British Convention Shine india monthly magazine buy.

Shine india monthly magazine

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Master In Current Affairs Magazine

Master In Current Affairs Magazine

Master In Current Affairs Magazine Published this article page no 140  Ladli Scheme: It was launched by the Haryana government to break the stigma relating to the birth of a girl child. Steps taken to increase Sex Ratio Sex selection is reduced by enforcing PCPNDT act (Pre conception and Pre Natal-Diagnostic technique Act,1994), legal action against quacks who are indulging in illegal abortions. As a part of creating awareness towards the importance of girl child, opening of savings account with first deposit as Janani Suraksha Yojana amount is done on the same day of delivery with Birth Certificate as a proof. 7273Advantages of EdTech Flexible learning option: As online education is not based on time and place, and students only require a laptop or a smartphone with an internet connection. Also, working professionals can complete courses at their own pace. More cost-effective: than a regular on campus degree; this helps students who cannot afford a regular college degree to pursue/complete their degrees. Gamification and rise of edutainment: Companies have introduced learning through games and puzzles that make it easier and fun for students to understand concepts. Imparting on-the-job skills: Career advancement courses by EdTech companies could increase the candidates chances of landing better jobs, switch jobs, get promotions, negotiate better pay packages and stay relevant in the industry. Supplement the conventional model: the existing educational infrastructure is not equipped to meet the additional requirements. E-learning can help bridge the gap to a considerable extent. Enable remote education: EdTech enables scale and speed using a direct to the device model, breaks down geographical barriers and allowing students access to high-quality education. Teachers became facilitators, managing remotely. Supplement governments digital push: Several programmes such as Digital India and Skill India were launched to spread digital literacy, create a knowledge-based society, and implement three principles access, equity and quality of the education policy. Need for regulation Master In Current Affairs Magazine buy.

Master In Current Affairs Magazine

Saturday, February 26, 2022

junior science refresher

junior science refresher

Get latest issue junior science refresher published this article page no 43 when we sense that our own values and actions could be replicated by the entire world to its benefit i think that there is a sense of peace that simply cannot be put into words a state of grace of joy that those who have not experienced simply cannot believe in—as sociopaths cannot believe that human beings genuinely experience love and caring for one another. such poor souls circle in the outer darkness. say i love you to them and they think if only you knew what i really was you wouldnt say that. or worse they think poor deluded fool to feel such trivial false emotions. of course it is possible to achieve acclaim and fame and health and hot sex and be evil. evil is a judgment about things on a spiritual level not on the level of business (although in general honesty pays in business) or marriage contracts (you can lie and cheat and your mate may never discover it) or fitness/health (ive known tremendously fit and long-lived people who were monsters). yet and still lifewriting asks us to embrace these three qualities as markers of inner worth. why? because they are the best simplest external markers i know of. they are not infallible. on a personal level i believe that when our inner values and our outer actions are in alignment and when those actions and values are transparent so that we would stand before all mankind and say: this is who i am. and i would want my children and your children to be the same and i am prepared to stand before the universe and say that i would be willing and happy to be treated as i have treated others that there is a simple peace that comes from this that cannot be replaced by money or sex or even life itself. those who have been abused neglected uncherished often do not develop the spiritual sensory equipment to find their way to this place Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india.

junior science refresher

Junior science refresher magazine

 Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine published this article page no 42 if as i suspect on one level he believes human beings are shallow and evil and that he himself has achieved massive wealth and fame while deeply flawed and (he suspects) evil in his personal life then where is the justice in the universe. first of all with this film i found myself believing that allen is a good man. flawed but good. the nature of the questions he has been asking his entire life as opposed to what we know of his personal life leads me to think him damaged but not damned. just a personal opinion. secondly i think that the key is not in why are the wicked not punished but the question what is the nature of a good successful life? he has taken a perfectly reasonable approach: a beautiful spouse wealth health public acclaim are a good life. that evil men and women can achieve this must be deeply troubling to him. and troubles me not at all. it is possible of course that it is my philosophy that is shallow and his that cuts deep. i wont be self-congratulatory or dogmatic enough to pat myself on the back but i must stake out a position. so here it is. i think that external measurements of success are wonderful but ultimately satisfying only if they match our internal values. and from the cradle we crave connection to love to warmth to that total acceptance we felt from our mothers in the womb if nowhere else. and that this craving is totally unconscious and that we spend the rest of our lives attempting to regain it bright group of publications junior science refresher.

 Junior science refresher magazine