competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Monday, April 29, 2024

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine this article was published in the magazine . qutb shahi architecture why in news recently the step wells at the qutb shahi tombs of the golconda fort was awarded unescos asia-pacific award (2022) for cultural heritage conservation. more on news  step wells of golconda fort telangana is a 16th century well. this structure is made in persian style. also historians suggest that elephants used to fetch water from the step well.  the monument got the award of distinction. Junior science refresher magazine subscription price the award has 6 categories of recognition award of excellence award of distinction award of merit award for new design in heritage contexts and the special recognition for sustainable development.  unesco asia-pacific awards for cultural heritage conservation programme started in 2000.  it recognises the efforts of private individuals and organisations in restoring conserving and transforming structures and buildings of heritage value in the region. other awardees from india (2022) award of excellence award of merit chhatrapati shivaji maharaj vastu sangrahalaya museum mumbai maharashtra domakonda fort kammareddy telangana byculla station mumbai maharashtra it is a part of victorian gothic and art deco ensembles of mumbais world heritage. it is formerly known as the prince of wales museum of western india is one of the premier art and history museums in india it was built during 18th century and it has an elevated compound of granite rocks that forms the fort wall. asias oldest railway station commissioned in 1853. about qutb shahi architecture located in the city of hyderabad capital of the state of telangana golconda fort qutb shahi tombs and charminar are the landmarks that symbolize the qutb shahi dynasty. key features of qutb shahi architecture are  minars in place of domes are used.  ornamentation and decoration of buildings particularly the parapets.  surface in stucco or cut plaster with occasional use of tiles Junior science refresher magazine subscription.

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine this article was published in the magazine guidelines for uplinking and downlinking of satellite television channels in india 2022  cabinet has revised the guidelines for satellite television channels after a period of 11 years.  communication going from a satellite to ground is called downlink and going from ground to a satellite it is called uplink.  Junior science refresher magazine subscription price key provisions obligation to telecast content in national/public interest for 30 minutes every day. mandatory for channels uplinking in frequency band other than c-band to encrypt their signals. indian teleports may uplink foreign channels.  no prior permission for live telecast of events; only prior registration of events to be telecast live would be necessary Junior science refresher magazine subscription

Junior science refresher magazine

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine this article was published in the magazine  quality of housing there is no proper supervision of the quality of houses constructed by the beneficiaries. issues in identification of beneficiaries biased approach of the gram panchayats and anomalies in the secc-2011 data. absence of data real time data regarding benefits provided under various schemes is not available owing to their non-integration on awaas app and poor coordination among concerned ministries involved. major reforms taken in the recent time electronic governance the end-to-end execution of the scheme from the selection of beneficiaries disbursal of assistance to beneficiaries verification of progress in construction release of funds etc. is conducted through workflow enabled transaction-based mis – awaassoft. shine india monthly magazine subscription mobile governance awaasapp has been launched for inspection of houses. capturing of geo-referenced photographs using awaasapp and uploading of the same on awaassoft has been made mandatory under the scheme of pmay-g for release of assistance to the beneficiaries. direct benefit transfer (dbt) under pmay-g the assistance to beneficiaries is to be transferred electronically through the awaassoft-pfms platform shine india monthly magazine telugu.

shine india monthly magazine

Friday, March 29, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine this article was published in the magazine  fund sharing between centre and state 6040 between centre and state in plain areas 9010 for north- eastern states two himalayan states and ut of jammu and kashmir 100% centre share for other uts. land for landless beneficiaries the beneficiaries under pmay-g with no land to construct their houses are being given high priority under the scheme. shine india monthly magazine subscription providing land to landless beneficiaries for construction of houses being the states / uts responsibility they are advised/ encouraged to provide land to such beneficiaries urgently. shine india monthly magazine telugu there is no dedicated financial assistance to the landless beneficiaries from the central government for purchasing the land. convergence with other government schemes to provide basic amenities and assistance for house construction. pmay-g encourages adoption of green designs and technologies appropriate to the local culture and geoclimatic conditions (including multi-hazards) shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle this article was published in the magazine  as per the united nations environment programme (unep) the term social infrastructure is generally used to refer to those systems that deliver services upon which the health and well-being of societies depend. according to the economic survey of india (2020-21) social services broadly include education sports art and culture medical and public health family welfare water supply and sanitation housing labour welfare social security and welfare and nutrition. Banking service chronicle magazine significance of investing in social infrastructure inclusive growth better access to good quality social infrastructure affects the ability to participate in society and improve access to economic opportunities for all. poverty alleviation poverty is the largely the result of factors related to lack of quality education and good health. social infrastructure therefore is crucial for improving peoples life and reducing poverty Banking service chronicle magazine subscription.

Banking service chronicle

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine this article was published in magazine  it is a placeholder term for what has variously been called genetic information bioinformation sequence information natural information genetic sequence data nucleotide sequence data or genetic resources. 60lack of finance with the biodiversity finance gap estimated at roughly $700bn per year for conservation over the decade the target to mobilise $200bn per year by 2030 falls short. prioritization gbf contains limited direction on which terrestrial and marine areas to prioritise for conservation. shine india monthly magazine telugu lack of clarity regarding for digital sequencing information (dsi) mechanism several details regarding the mechanism for benefit-sharing from use of dsi are yet to be finalized such as who will govern the global fund where would contribution come from and how monetary and non-monetary benefits will be distributed. absence of usa us is the only major economy that is not a signatory to the gbf as it is not a member of the un convention on biological diversity. without the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases the gbfs capacity to galvanise international action may be limited. the united states signed the treaty in 1993 but has not ratified it shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine

Sunday, February 18, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 3 this article was published in december environmental sustainability clean water and sanitation non-polluting sources of energy safe disposal of solid waste etc. provide environmental benefits for all sections of the people. sustainable growth well-functioning social infrastructure is not only key to achieve sustainable development goals but also to resolve the challenges created by rapid urbanization and to ensure the sustainable growth of cities. pm gati shakti pm gati shakti – national master plan for multi-modal connectivity is a digital platform which will bring various ministries together for integrated planning and coordinated implementation of infrastructure connectivity projects in india. the idea behind the initiative is to break departmental silos and institutionalise holistic planning which will help in bringing down the logistics cost and translate into enormous economic gains to stakeholders across major infrastructure projects. shine india monthly magazine telugu the policy aims to trim the countrys logistics cost to about 8% of gdp from the current 13-14% in about five years and propel the country into the league of top 25 nations in logistics performance by 2030 shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine

Thursday, February 15, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 12 this article was published in the magazine reduction of certain offences the provision which made offences under the act cognizable and nonbailable was deleted. however penalties may extend up to ₹1 crore. provisions related to bmc state government will prescribe the composition of bmcs whose strength has been fixed between seven to eleven members. further state governments may also constitute bmcs at the intermediate or district panchayat level. shine india monthly magazine telugu states can declare threatened species central government can delegate the power to notify any species which is near-extinction as a threatened species to the state government. however before notifying any threatened species the state government must consult the nba. expansion of nba 11 additional members to be added to nba including 6 ex-officio members dealing with wildlife forestry research and panchayati raj 4 representatives from sbbs (on a rotational basis) and 1 member-secretary (must have experience in biodiversity conservation) who will be the chief coordinating officer of the nba. changes in definitions for example bio-utilisation has been removed and bio-survey has been redefined shine india monthly magazine subscription

shine india monthly magazine

Friday, February 9, 2024

competition success magazine

competition success magazine 

competition success magazine published this article page no 10 this article was published in the magazine pathodetect™ kitpathodetect™ kit by pune based mylab indias first indigenous tb detection kit has received approval from the central drugs standard control organisation tb expert committee and the icmr.advantages single test can detect tuberculosis and multidrugresistantce (against isoniazid and rifampacin). competition success magazine subscription kit is more automated and reduces the need for high expertise to run the test. kit can be stored at indian room temperature. low cost and do not require special infrastructure for operations competition success review magazine price.

competition success magazine 

Saturday, February 3, 2024

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine published this article page no 13 this article can be seen in the magazine it is the largest gliding mammal and rarest and least studied mammals in the world for a long time. for much of the 20th century it was thought to be extinct until it was rediscovered in 1994 in northern pakistan. bryumbharatiensis  it is a new moss species discovered in eastern antarctica by indian scientists. this is the first time india discovered a plant species since the research station was set up in antarctica in 1984. gravelyiaboro  it is the newly discovered burrow spider. competition refresher magazine pdf it was found jharbari range of western assams chirang reserve forest.  its name has been derived from the bodo community one of the largest ethno-linguistic groups in assam. deep-sea mollusc (xylophaganandani)  a new species of deep sea molluscs belonging to the family xylophaga been identified from the arabian sea for the first time.  the word xylophaga itself denotes wood eating.  they are deep-sea dwellers their presence recorded even at depths of 7000 metres. o about mollusc -it is an animal such as a snail clam or octopus which has a soft body. they have important commercial benefits such as fisheries and mariculture. schistura hiranyakeshi  a new freshwater fish species was discovered near amboli in western ghats in sindhudurg district competition refresher magazine subscription.

competition refresher magazine

Friday, January 5, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 15 coastal erosion is an extensive and multi-dimensional problem for a vast country like india. efforts are being made to counter the menace of coastal erosion and protect our coasts using both the traditional approaches (using hard structures like a seawall etc.) and the new innovative soft measures like dune rehabilitation. marine plastics pollution is a global menace. shine india monthly magazine telugu every year humans produce 300 million tonnes of plastic waste of which 11 million tonnes of plastic waste eventually wind up in the ocean. by 2050 there could be more plastics than fish in the ocean. there is a need for regular and standardised monitoring of marine litter to understand long-term changes in marine litter pollution and to successfully develop and implement mitigation strategies shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine

Thursday, January 4, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 12 natural factors influencing coastal erosion are waves winds tides nearshore currents storms sea level rise etc.  another major factor promoting coastal erosion is the sea level rise. shine india monthly magazine telugu an increasing sea level will promote shoreline setbacks.  catastrophic events like severe storms tidal surges and cyclones cause the sea level to rise to abnormal heights and cause severe erosion.  another factor is the phenomenon of subsidence. subsidence is a regional phenomenon that lowers the surface area in a specific region shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine