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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Saturday, February 26, 2022

junior science refresher

junior science refresher

Get latest issue junior science refresher published this article page no 43 when we sense that our own values and actions could be replicated by the entire world to its benefit i think that there is a sense of peace that simply cannot be put into words a state of grace of joy that those who have not experienced simply cannot believe in—as sociopaths cannot believe that human beings genuinely experience love and caring for one another. such poor souls circle in the outer darkness. say i love you to them and they think if only you knew what i really was you wouldnt say that. or worse they think poor deluded fool to feel such trivial false emotions. of course it is possible to achieve acclaim and fame and health and hot sex and be evil. evil is a judgment about things on a spiritual level not on the level of business (although in general honesty pays in business) or marriage contracts (you can lie and cheat and your mate may never discover it) or fitness/health (ive known tremendously fit and long-lived people who were monsters). yet and still lifewriting asks us to embrace these three qualities as markers of inner worth. why? because they are the best simplest external markers i know of. they are not infallible. on a personal level i believe that when our inner values and our outer actions are in alignment and when those actions and values are transparent so that we would stand before all mankind and say: this is who i am. and i would want my children and your children to be the same and i am prepared to stand before the universe and say that i would be willing and happy to be treated as i have treated others that there is a simple peace that comes from this that cannot be replaced by money or sex or even life itself. those who have been abused neglected uncherished often do not develop the spiritual sensory equipment to find their way to this place Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india.

junior science refresher

Junior science refresher magazine

 Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine published this article page no 42 if as i suspect on one level he believes human beings are shallow and evil and that he himself has achieved massive wealth and fame while deeply flawed and (he suspects) evil in his personal life then where is the justice in the universe. first of all with this film i found myself believing that allen is a good man. flawed but good. the nature of the questions he has been asking his entire life as opposed to what we know of his personal life leads me to think him damaged but not damned. just a personal opinion. secondly i think that the key is not in why are the wicked not punished but the question what is the nature of a good successful life? he has taken a perfectly reasonable approach: a beautiful spouse wealth health public acclaim are a good life. that evil men and women can achieve this must be deeply troubling to him. and troubles me not at all. it is possible of course that it is my philosophy that is shallow and his that cuts deep. i wont be self-congratulatory or dogmatic enough to pat myself on the back but i must stake out a position. so here it is. i think that external measurements of success are wonderful but ultimately satisfying only if they match our internal values. and from the cradle we crave connection to love to warmth to that total acceptance we felt from our mothers in the womb if nowhere else. and that this craving is totally unconscious and that we spend the rest of our lives attempting to regain it bright group of publications junior science refresher.

 Junior science refresher magazine